이 렌즈가 Summicron 5th 맞나요?
페이지 정보
- 작성자 : 조기석
- 작성일 : 04-08-31 14:22
제가 알고 있기로는 Leica Summicron 50mm F2 5th로 알고 있습니다만
이 렌즈와 현행의 차이점과 가격(신품 & 중고)이 궁금합니다.
이명근님의 댓글
5세대..가 어디서 나온건지는 모르겠습니다만 5세대는 없습니다.
50mm스미크론은 1세대 침동식, 리지드, DR
2세대는 끝에 크롬 처리된 렌즈와
3세대는 사진의 렌즈가 3세대입니다.
4세대는 지금의 현행 스미크론입니다.
현행과 다른점은 후드가 내장되고 안되고 이고 렌즈 매수는 같은것으로 아나 설계는 살짝 틀린것으로 알고있습니다.
조기석님의 댓글
제가 알고있는 즈미크론의 50mm의 계보는 아래와 같습니다.
4세대와 5세대의 차이점은 포커싱레버의 유무로 알고 있구요.
First version 1954-1957
Second version 1956-68
Third version 1956-1968
Fourth version 1969-1979
Fifth version 1980-95
Sixth version 1995-date
이명근님의 댓글
아 그건 3세대 안에서 전, 후기로 분류하는것이구요.
편하게 몇세대로 분류 한것 같습니다. 렌즈의 구성, 설계 방식으로
라이카사의 분류 방법은 4세대 까지입니다.
조기석님의 댓글
3세대의 전기와 후기 차이점
The Earlier version of the DR focuses to 19" and is marked in either feet or meters, but not both. It is also marked in reproduction rations from 1:15 to 1:.75. The "eyes" for these have the "condenser" trademark, inside of which is "E.
Leitz Wetzlar."
The Later version of the DR focuses to 20" and is marked in BOTH feet and meters, without the repro ratios. The "eyes" for this version are marked "Leitz Wetzlar" without the condenser trademark. The second version also has wider and deeper knurling on the focusing ring than the previous version. I have noticed a "warmer" color of lens coating on these later DR's, but am not sure if it extends to ALL of this variety. The lens head and glass appears to be identical to the earlier version and to the rigid version, at least from the outside. The second version also has a smaller ball bearing mount for the eyes, which means the later eyes will not fit the earlier lenses, though the older eyes will fit the later lenses.
아무리 찾아봐도 잘 모르겠네요..답변 감사합니다.
Fourth version 1969-1979 Black lens with no "50" on barrel, No focusing lock or lever. Generally reputed to be a notch below either of the Summicron versions before or after it. 6 elements. This and later versions focused to 28, the closest focusing RF coupled 50 after the DR."
Fifth version 1980-95 Black lens with "50" on barrel, reintroduced focusing lever, without built in hood. In my opinion this is a better choice in terms of handling than the built in hood version which followed it. I am a fan of both the focusing lever and the larger attachable hood. Nice lightweight lens at only 195 grams 6 elements, recomputed. Earlier lenses are Made in Canada, later Made in Germany.
Sixth version 1995-date Black or chrome lens with "50" on barrel and built in hood. No focusing lever. Same optical design as previous version. Weighs more at 240 grams in black. The chrome version weighs much more at 333 grams, so I would avoid it. Same optical formula as previous version.