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- 작성자 : 권기찬
- 작성일 : 04-08-05 10:02
류중래님의 댓글

일본말 동사 '보케루'에서 나온 말인데, 요즘은 서양사람들도 'Bokeh'라는 말을 사용해서 국제표준어가 된듯한 느낌입니다.
사전적 의미로는 ......
①머리가 둔해지다. 희미해지다. get silly ②나이가 들어 몸이 시들어지다. 노망하다. ③빛깔이 바래서 흐려지다. 퇴색하다.
이시원님의 댓글

라이카의 아웃 포커스가 좀 독특하다 보니 "보케"로 따로 불리는 모양 입니다.
김주오님의 댓글

다른 카메라에서도 다 보케라고 칭하던데요...
음. 여담으로.. 일본말이다. 보니.. 우리말로 바꾸자고 하면서.. 빛망울이니.. 흐림효과니..
이러자 저러자 다투는 사람들도 있더군요..
빛망울이 그래도 제일 낫다는 의견이었습니다만..
김옥현님의 댓글

photo.net에서 보케를 적절히 설명하고 있다고 생각되는 부분을 아래에 옮겨 보았습니다. 관심 있는 분은 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.
..... The word is Japanese and means (more or less) 'fuzzy'. In Japan it is used to describe people (e.g. someone who is vague and/or not all 'there') as well as pictures. The photographic concept comes from Japanese camera magazines, which now regularly review the 'bokeh' of a lens as well as its resolution/contrast, etc. In the West it is a relatively new idea dating more or less from the mid-90's - although obviously lenses have HAD good or bad bokeh going all the way back to Galileo, we just weren't paying that much attention. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the c. 1900 Pictorialists (and other photographers) have always been aware of bokeh effects, but just didn't use that term.
Bokeh refers to how a lens treats the out-of-focus (OOF) parts of a picture. It mostly applies to fast or long lenses - wideangles at small apertures USUALLY don't throw the background/foreground enough out of focus to see much 'bokeh' of any kind. Discussions here usually start with the 35 f/2 and work up to longer lenses from there.
Generally speaking, there is 'good' and 'bad' bokeh. Bad bokeh refers to OOF areas that are busy and/or distracting, with hard-edged bright circles and occasionally overlapping double images. Good bokeh refers to OOF areas that are very blended and smooth and don't draw attention from the sharp area.
The bokeh of a given lens depends on a lot of factors - which aberrations the lens designer chooses to correct for, the overall contrast, and probably some other things that most of us can see but don't understand optically. I could get into theories about over- and under-corrected 'spherical aberration', but......you get the idea.
Important safety tips:
1) Bokeh is very subjective, like wine-tasting. You'll get differing opinions from others as to which lens has which kind of bokeh. You'll have to study some pictures and determine what looks good to you.
2) the bokeh of any given lens varies depending on subject distance and OOF foreground/background distance (and also the aperture being used) - it may be great focused at 3 feet with a background at 6 feet, and not so hot with a subject at 5 feet and the background at infinity. It all depends on how the light rays criss-cross going through the glass and onto the film. This variation may explain tip 1.
보케에 대하여 설명하고 있는 곳을 몇 군데 소개합니다.
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