헥사 RF의 촛점은 ??
페이지 정보
- 작성자 : 최준석
- 작성일 : 04-02-12 06:06
헥사RF가 궁금해 검색해 보니 이런내용이 있더군요...
Popular Photography September 2002 에 헥사와 라이카의 바디의 촛점거리가 같지 않다는 기사가 실린적이 있습니다.
아래 그 내용을 옮겨놓았습니다.
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A hex on Hexar?
When we first cast an eye on the Konica Hexar RF specs, our hearts filled with joy an autoexposure, TTL metering, motor wind and rewind rangefinder camera with a genuine M mount, witch means lenses and bodies should be interchangeable between the Leica M6 or vice-vera.
So we said in our enthusiastic test report of the Hexar RF in June, 2000.
But rumors persisted that while the M mounts were indeed the same, the back focus distances between the mount and the film on each camera was mot the same.
Exchange lenses, and unsharp pictures would result.
Senior Lab Technician David Phung tenderly gathered up the Leica M7 and Konica RF bodies as well as a Voigtlander T rangefinder camera body, also with an M lens mount, and took them to a highly trained camera doctor with a precision micrometer.
He checked the back focuses.
Results: Konica RF, 28.7mm; Leica M6, 27.6mm; Voigtlander T, 27.01mm.
Pictures shot with a 50mm f/2 Summicron wide open on each camera body at 8 feet revealed 57 lines-per-millimeter with the Voigtlander and Leica but only 22 with the Leica lens on the Hexar.
Conclusion: Leica and Voigtlander lenses and bodies are sufficiently compatible to be interchanged; Hexar RF bodies and lenses should be used only with each other, but a Hexar wide-angle lens might get by on a Leica or Voigtlanderat a small aperture.
Warning: When cross-dressing Leica M and Voigtlander M lenses and camera, be careful.
Some lenses may fit the mount but slide properly into interior of the camera.
The source of the information from “Popular Photography, September 2002”
위내용이 사실인지..사실이라면 지금은 개선되였는지 아니면 간단한 수리로 고칠수 있는지 궁금합니다.
아니면 전혀 문제가 없는 것인지...궁금합니다.
Popular Photography September 2002 에 헥사와 라이카의 바디의 촛점거리가 같지 않다는 기사가 실린적이 있습니다.
아래 그 내용을 옮겨놓았습니다.
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A hex on Hexar?
When we first cast an eye on the Konica Hexar RF specs, our hearts filled with joy an autoexposure, TTL metering, motor wind and rewind rangefinder camera with a genuine M mount, witch means lenses and bodies should be interchangeable between the Leica M6 or vice-vera.
So we said in our enthusiastic test report of the Hexar RF in June, 2000.
But rumors persisted that while the M mounts were indeed the same, the back focus distances between the mount and the film on each camera was mot the same.
Exchange lenses, and unsharp pictures would result.
Senior Lab Technician David Phung tenderly gathered up the Leica M7 and Konica RF bodies as well as a Voigtlander T rangefinder camera body, also with an M lens mount, and took them to a highly trained camera doctor with a precision micrometer.
He checked the back focuses.
Results: Konica RF, 28.7mm; Leica M6, 27.6mm; Voigtlander T, 27.01mm.
Pictures shot with a 50mm f/2 Summicron wide open on each camera body at 8 feet revealed 57 lines-per-millimeter with the Voigtlander and Leica but only 22 with the Leica lens on the Hexar.
Conclusion: Leica and Voigtlander lenses and bodies are sufficiently compatible to be interchanged; Hexar RF bodies and lenses should be used only with each other, but a Hexar wide-angle lens might get by on a Leica or Voigtlanderat a small aperture.
Warning: When cross-dressing Leica M and Voigtlander M lenses and camera, be careful.
Some lenses may fit the mount but slide properly into interior of the camera.
The source of the information from “Popular Photography, September 2002”
위내용이 사실인지..사실이라면 지금은 개선되였는지 아니면 간단한 수리로 고칠수 있는지 궁금합니다.
아니면 전혀 문제가 없는 것인지...궁금합니다.
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