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웹서핑중 발견한 카메라

페이지 정보

  • 작성자 : 이영욱
  • 작성일 : 05-04-18 22:01


갑사 모임에 다녀온지 하루만에 웹서핑을 하다가 발견한 카메라 입니다.
몇년전에 오리지날MP를 살려고 한적은 잇지만 이 물건들은 너무 충격적이네요.
물론 사진에 관심이 있으신 분들은 별 관심이 없겠지만(설마??) 기계과인 저로서는 신선한 충격이었습니다.
가격은 약 1억4천정도 하네요. 회원분들 돈 모아서 공구하면...

MP- Prototype
This camera was manufactured 1955 as functional prototype of the Leica MP. The execution corresponds in substantial already to the design features of the standard model, differs from it however in some important details. From the work documents it follows that the camera with high-speed elevator on 31 October 1955 at Willi stein, technical designer of the Leica M3 and MP, was expenditure-followed. By this MP prototypes were manufactured only two further copies with the numbers 1052 * and 1053 *. The camera has the original Leicavit prototype (without MP engraving) and a Summicron 5cm lens. It is shown under others in Lager 1 page 183. The camera is in still nearly new original state and means a milestone of the Leitz constructions - the MP and MP Classic series last gefertigen of Leica are likewise descendants of this prototype.

Betriebsk. MP-1167
This camera was manufactured 1956 as prototype of the Leica MP2 with the first electrical engine. It concerns thereby a motorized MP, which differs from the standard model in some details. From the work documents it follows that the camera on 18 November 1957 as "MP f. engine" at Mr. Hilgendorf, to who technical designer of the first Wetzlar Leica of engine, was expenditure-followed. By this prototypes only two further copies with the designations became "M3-Betriebsk. 1147"and" MP Betriebsk. 1166"manufactured. Number 1147 is in a private collection, number 1166 was probably dismantled and with the examination destroyed. The motor drive of this camera differs from the later New York engine in as much as the clutch intervenes in the catch work and not in film transport. It was designed for over 4 photographs per second. Likewise only two further copies were manufactured by this design, from which one is together with the M3-Betriebsk.1147 in a private collection. The other engine was converted to a cutaway model. The camera is shown with Lager 1 page 198, a type-same engine on page 178, sees also William Albert, Geburtstage of the Leitz photo constructions starting from 1927, page 204.
추천 0


조효제님의 댓글


제일 밑에 있는 MP367과 368을 보고 있자니 막 눈 앞이 깜깜해 지네요. ^^;;
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